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Friday 21st July, 09:00 - 10:30 Room: N 101

Ethics in research

Chair Dr Margarida Piteira (ISEG/SOCIUS )

Session Details

Paper Details

1. Do No Harm: challenges in research design of refugees studies
Ms Tatiana Morais (Phd Candidate at FDUNL and Researcher at CEDIS)

The main focus of this paper is the importance of a complementary approach between the principle Do No Harm and the research design of Refugee Studies. Do No Harm is one of the most important principles in any research, because it guarantees that every people involved in the research will benefit from that study and will suffer no harm during that same research. It is one of the most important principles in the Ethics of Research. However, this principle is not enough, because, not only the researcher must not engage in certain research activities that will cause harm (non facere obligations and duties) but also he or she must only develop a research that will contribute to decrease, or even end, that suffering. And to that the researcher has to adopt every measure and policy possible while designing and developing the research in order to make sure the impact of his or her presence will cause no harm and will ensure the refugees’ security (facere obligations and duties). Thus, research design is a very important step to conclude if a certain research will benefit refugees and will help to decrease, or even end, their suffering. Also research design is very important because on one hand, it will make sure that refugees’ security and well-being is taken into account while designing the research. On the other hand, research design will be useful to understand how the researcher can give back to society and, especially, to refugees’ community, while making sure refugees are not put into dangerous situations. Refugee are amongst the most vulnerable people on Earth, therefore research design has to be carefully developed in order not to reinforce refugees’ vulnerability, stereotypes and stigmas. Thus, Do No Harm principle is especially important while carrying a research focusing refugee studies. And a complementary approach between Do No Harm principle and research design methodology will bring together non facere and facere duties and obligations whose aim is to guarantee the researchers’ and also refugees’ safety, security and ethical procedures while carrying a research on refugee studies. Thus, it is very important how a research design is developed, because it will play a very important role to prevent vulnerability reinforcement and also to implement security measures that decreases the impact of researcher’s presence and ensures refugees’ security and safety.