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Thursday 16th July, 09:00 - 10:30 Room: HT-101

Using Survey Data for Spatial Analysis 1

Convenor Professor Nina Baur (Technische Universität Berlin )
Coordinator 1Ms Linda Hering (Technische Universität Berlin)
Coordinator 2Ms Cornelia Thierbach (Technische Universität Berlin)

Session Details

The session aims at exploring new developments in spatial methids, seeing space either as dependent or independent variable: Researchers can ask how people think about space and construct space or they can see space as a relevant frame for social action that influences social life. Papers address one of the questions below either at a more general methodological level or using a concrete example in a specific research project:

(1) How can survey data be used for spatial analysis? Can they be used by themselves, or do they have to be mixed with other data, e.g. geodata, qualitative data?

(2) What methodological innovations concerning the spatial can be observed? (How) can traditional sociological or geographical methods be adjusted to address spatial problems within sociology?

(3) Which sampling strategies are appropriate for spatial problems?

(4) Which strategies of data analysis are appropriate for spatial analysis?

Paper Details

1. Place identity in a European Border Region
Professor Annette Spellerberg (University of Kaiserslautern)

In this contribution the author examines similarities and differences of “doing identity in Europe” in two “twin communities” on both sides of the border between Germany and France and Luxembourg respectively.
The objective of the study is to examine place identity and spatial behaviour in a border region. On one hand we will conduct a standardized survey of all households of Leidingen (Saarland, 189 Einwohner) und Heining-lès-Bouzonville (Lothringen, 502 Einwohner) and a representative sample in Langsur (Rhineland-Palatinate, 1.635 inhabitants) and Wasserbillig (Luxembourg, 2.300 inhabitants).

2. Lifestyle research and spatial microsimulation: joining survey data and census statistics to infer health milieu geographies
Mr Jens Kandt (University College London)

This paper presents an approach to combine the depth of a social survey with the pervasiveness of neighbourhood statistics to estimate geographic prevalences of health behaviours in the context of lifestyle milieus. 33,000 England and Wales residents were clustered into nine milieus based on a range of behavioural and attitudinal variables. The milieus strongly differed in their social and demographic profiles. Spatial microsimulation was used to probabilistically assess the geographical distribution of the milieus and associated health behaviours. Preliminary results for London suggest that this approach offers opportunities for the use of survey data in informing applied spatial statistics.

3. Statview : Statistica Spazial Analisys and Data Visualization
Mr Alessandro Capezzuoli (ISTAT - National Institute of Dtatistics Italy)
Miss Cinzia Conti (ISTAT - national institute of statistics italy)

Statview is a web application for statistical data stored and interactive map-based visualization .